Face deep in a tub of deliciously, creamy ice-cream, I had the misfortune of coming across an article in the Economic Times. Yes! I eat ice-cream and read. Also the stray pup I tried saving last week had been killed by a truck. Sweet, cold, chocolatey food makes me feel better.
It is bad enough that there is a divide (with jagged rocks to fall on for those who try to cross over to the other side) between US, commoners and THEM, ‘crème de la crème’ who get invited to every ‘Premier’ opening, regardless of whether it is a movie or exhibition or an ‘exclusive’ peak at a new store. But to rub salt on open, bleeding wounds (from the attempted cross over) or to add yet another blow to our bruised egos, there was THIS very sign outside the new Haagen-Dazs outlet in south Delhi – ‘Entry restricted only to holders of international passports’.
The series of reactions that followed are (1) GASP! (2) Mother-&@#%*^# (3) Annoyance deep enough to chuck the tub of sin across the room (4) A sense of calm found only through meditation (5) A cynical laugh
Needless to say, wheels began stirring in that part of my mind, which could well be described as ‘delightfully duplicitous’ and I came up with wonderfully, shrewd schemes. Plant a bomb, blow the place up to smithereens and blame it on Osama (Well knowing the turmoil our world is going through, it could very well be possible). Mix rat poison into the ice-cream. Gas the damn place. Accompany a friend and pee on the door. Hey! I’m a commoner, remember. Were you expecting ‘original’ ideas?
It has been 62 years since the existence of ‘Dogs and Indians not allowed’ signs. So, I’ll just take my patronage elsewhere and stick my face in there. Hopefully with the 6-8 dollars less in their monthly P&L account, they’ll decide to ‘Quit India’.
sadddddddd,really.wonder why they opened an outlet in India if Indians were not allowed??n to think,the manager was an Indian.SHAME ON THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteThis is just absurd. I feel like they're breaking some unwritten rule somewhere. Keep up the good work.
ReplyDeleteWonder which marketing genius came up with the strategy of keeping Indians out of the preview opening of an ice-cream brand that wants to sell ice-cream in India. They have to have thought it was a brilliant idea to actually implement it. :-D
ReplyDeletethis sucks! I used to love haagen dazs! :(
ReplyDeletethis sounds ludicrous....
'delightfully duplicitous’
ReplyDeleteI think this might just be true Poloumi. :)
I know!
ReplyDeleteI learnt from the master!
i know, this was ridiculous! It was all over Twitter too. I've never tasted the ice creams but from after reading this, I can't wait to! LOL, you should've totally gone ahead with the bombing and blaming it on Osama trick though. Foolproof!
ReplyDeleteHey! Just read all the posts you wrote this past month. Must admit that this comment may not make sense after this post as it's supposed to be a generic comment on all that I've read. I must say I'm really impressed by the way you write... It keeps me interested... Won't be surprised if you write some light fiction/chick litt. some day... :)
ReplyDeleteLight Fic hopefully,
ReplyDeleteChick Litt I'll pass.
And thanks Tuks!
"Accompany a friend and..." gets my vote!! ;-)
ReplyDeleteInteresting Blog! The posts are eminently readable...
hey nice blog :)
ReplyDeleteThank you! :-)