
“Come quickly, I am tasting the stars!” - Dom Perignon

Tuesday, December 1, 2009


“Blog, I think I have neglected you for a really long time. I am really very sorry. Please try and forgive me! I’ll do anything to make it up to you.”

Boy! That must have been uncomfortable for you (my readers, if you do exist ie). I did not mean to get you involved in this. Blog found out I was cheating on her with my Life and she was, needless to say, NOT happy. To the extent she gave me ‘writer’s block’. I had to appease her with an apology and this – a brand new post depicting a brand new chapter to …..Sssshhhh….. (looks left and right) L-I-F-E.

What was supposed to be a vacation to Mumbai culminated into a move to the damn city. I bid a dramatic but quiet adieu to a city I will always hold close to my heart and was purged into a heartlessly competitive city.

So here I am, displaced from everything familiar and certain, into a new home, the 9th postal address I have had in 5 years, a new campus, new faculty, a new set of batchmates, and yet another altered game plan.

I did what came easiest to me. Threw my hands up and wailed my guts and heart out.

Skype/G Talk with a red eyed, puffy faced, sniffling, snort filled girlfriend must have been an unpleasant experience for B. Till he decided to turn up for an entire week, knock some sense into my head and go back to the Village.

He reminded me of a choice I had to make. Either strike out or deal with the curveball Life threw at me and knock it outta the park.

Weighing my options (I didn’t have too many), I realized that I have enormous opportunities before me.
•Discover the unchartered territories of a smog filled city
•New sources of Retail Therapy
•New Watering Holes to drown in
•More places to get caught gorging on food
•A new culture to discover
•New connections to make
•Bollywood (No. I’m not making an attempt to get into the industry. Just grab moments to stare at the occasional famous person!)
•A challenging dissertation (that too on Retail)
•The last few months of Student Life
•A giant leap into the Real World

An Easton Reflex in my hands, I narrow my eyes and spit.


  1. All said and done,girl,I'm glad you came down.Who knows when and how,and if at all,we would have met otherwise??

    n m sure the other 'B' in ur life, your Blog,i.e.,is smiling contentedly now :)



  2. Im impressed with your writing skills ( i had to go back & read the previous ones:p)
    Dont worry you'll soon love bombay or Mumbai & wonder why you never moved there earlier.

  3. Tanu - I hope B no 2 is happy now.
    Ruchika - Thank you. And I hope I do fall in love with Bombay soon.
