
“Come quickly, I am tasting the stars!” - Dom Perignon

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

On Verge of Insanity, before the Doorway to the ‘Real World’

Do you have a plan for your life?

I don’t think I do. And by plan, I mean those concrete one, with dated goals and head notes and foot notes, the works basically as far as a plan is concerned.

I mean there are many things I would love to have happen with my life. There are things that I am doing to work towards it.

But my question here is, Should you chart out your life?

Like make chronological goals, eg by ‘this age’ I should be at ‘this postion’ at the career front and earning ‘so much’, or I should be married by ‘so and so’ age, and have ‘so many’ kids by ‘this age’.

Is it safe being with a plan or without it?

If you’re without a plan, should life be taken one day as it comes?

If you’re with a plan, what happens when after all your planning, your life takes you in a completely different direction than you planned it to go?

What happens then?

Do you crumble and fall apart or chuck the previous plan, hit the desk again and work on a new blueprint?

What if the new blueprint fails too?

Should I have expectations, hopes and dreams if I don’t have a plan to achieve the same?

Or should I not have a plan and not have any expectations, hopes and dreams?

What is the right equation here?

Where is the key to answers of my questions?

I’m on the brink of student life. I have one foot on either side of the line between the blissful student life and the ‘real’ world.

I’m drowning trying to find the right answer to these questions. (If at all, this ‘right’ answer exists)

Throw me a life jacket someone.


Ramblings of a confused 23 year old!

1 comment:

  1. plan=something u do only cuz u feel wise=something that will never ever work out= something that only lame nuts who have a lotta time and not much to plan-out actually do= a royal waste of time= killing spontaneity= making u inhuman

    so no life jacket, swim the fuck out

    u shud probably spend ur time on writing down a "slap list" (did that when I was a kid.. but ya never got around to implementing it)

    try n lemme know how it goes

